
Fortifeye Next Gen Complete (90ct - 3 Month Supply)

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Fortifeye Next Gen Complete is a culmination of years of research utilizing the most recent and up to date evidence based science bringing the latest in nutritional support to the eyes and entire body. Recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day, Now 90 capsules per bottle. This is a 45 day supply.

  • Includes the very latest in evidence-based nutritional support for total body wellness and ocular health.
  • Is a cost-effective Nutraceutical bringing the very latest in nutrition for total body wellness and vision support.
  • Easy to swallow veggie capsule without the use of any dyes.
  • Made in an NSF certified and FDA inspected facility.
  • Uses USP certified ingredients.

Fortifeye Next Gen Complete is the very latest in evidence-based nutritional support for total body wellness and ocular health. Fortifeye Vitamins has taken all of the most recent clinical nutritional studies and combined this nutritional science into one of the most advanced multivitamin / eye vitamins available today. Fortifeye changed its current Fortifeye Complete dramatically into this new generation multivitamin. The Next Gen Complete is now in an easy to swallow vegie capsule. Fortifeye Next Gen Complete is a cost-effective Nutraceutical bringing the very latest in nutrition for total body wellness and vision support. Thousands of patients throughout the world are taking the Fortifeye Vitamins with great results.

Fortifeye® Next Gen Complete is a synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and carotenoids. This formula is in an easy to swallow veggie capsule without the use of any dyes.

These are nutraceuticals developed to aid in total body wellness, a healthy immune system and vision support. Fortifeye Next Gen Complete is in one convenient capsule that is taken twice daily with meals. This supplement is made in an NSF certified and FDA inspected facility. USP certified ingredients are used in this formulation. This unique formula is based on the latest science and is currently being used by thousands of people throughout the world. Fortifeye Next Gen Complete has evolved to its current nutrient profile after almost 2 decades of research and 12 reformulations. This final formula was reached after years of clinical use with patients in large eyecare centers combined with serum and intracellular blood testing and retesting.

Some of the latest evidence-based nutrients for visual support and total body health used in this new formula are: B Complex, 8 forms of Vitamin E, D3, C, Zinc, Saffron, resveratrol, pine bark extract, black currant fruit extract, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, grape seed extract, coenzyme Q10, taurine, acetyl l carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, bilberry and curcumin from the turmeric root. These nutrients exhibit powerful antioxidants and anti -inflammatory effects that may also help inhibit the formation of “bad” blood vessels (anti-VEGF). Clinically studied levels of the most bio-available forms of Vitamin, D, E, C, B, zinc and chromium have also been added to this new formula. This may prove to be helpful in macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, other eye and systemic diseases.

B Complex In a 7-year cardiovascular disease trial involving more than 5,200 women, folic acid, B-6 and B-12 was given daily to half the subjects and the other half were given a placebo. The group who received the vitamins ended up with a 41% decrease in the incidence of macular degeneration. This is a significant finding for macular degeneration patients and children of the macular degeneration patients. More research is needed; however, it may be useful to consume B complex to aid in prevention and support the retina and total body. Studies also indicate B12 may have some protective benefits against cataracts, glaucoma, and optic neuropathy. Low levels of B12 are associated with memory problems, dementia and Alzheimer’s. B12, Folic Acid and B6 are used to lower homocysteine which can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin isomers in a new micro beadlet delivery system are in this formula to help replenish the macula pigment density, filter out the dangerous blue light and also act as a powerful antioxidant to neutralize free radicals. Current science indicates that macula density progressively decreases as macular degeneration progresses. Lutein/Zeaxanthin are proving to be beneficial for both macular degeneration and and possibly cataracts. Studies of these carotenoids are proving to be beneficial for the skin and the brain.
Acetyl L Carnatine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Astaxanthin and Co Q 10 were added to support mitochondria health that are the organelles responsible for increase ATP (energy) production and aid in neuro protection. All eight forms of vitamin E (four tocopherols and four tocotrienols) are utilized in this formula to maximize free radical quenching. A very bio available form of Zinc is used to increase absorption.
Resveratrolis a powerful polyphenol that has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects found in red wine. The “French Parodox” links the French people that have a diet very high in saturated fats to less heat disease and deaths than Americans because of the protective effects of the resveratrol in the red wine they drink. Resveratrol appears to be linked to longer lifespans and healthy aging. Many studies have shown that resveratrol may have some benefits for certain cancers, joint pain and heart disease. New studies indicate resveratrol may have a positive impact on macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Fortifeye was one of the first in the industry to use resveratrol in their supplements.
Astaxanthin has been added for its amazing free radical quenching and anti-inflammatory abilities. Astaxanthin is 550 times more potent at quenching free radicals than vitamins c.
Astaxanthin is found in the ciliary body of the eye and is associated with less eye strain and improved accommodation. Studies also indicate astaxanthin improves choroidal circulation. Astaxanthin has multiple studies indicating it may minimize fine lines and wrinkles in the face and improve muscle endurance and muscle recovery. Astaxanthin is what give wild Alaskan salmon the red color.
Saffronthe most expensive spice in the world has been added to this formula for its amazing overall health and ocular health benefits. Recent clinical studies have shown that saffron improved visual acuity by two lines in patients with macular degeneration and also some improvement in ERG (electro retinogram). Saffron contains 4 all-star antioxidants: crocin, crocetin, safranal and kaempferol. Past and ongoing clinical studies have linked saffron to antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, weight reduction and many more health benefits. Saffron seems to be an extremely safe ingredient with lots of potential health benefits.
Black Currant Fruit Extract has clinical studies supporting improved blood flow to the eye, reduction in dry eye symptoms, improvement in dark adaptation and may slow the progression of visual field loss in glaucoma. Black Currant Fruit extract has studies supporting benefits for the heart, joints, skin and immune system.
Pine bark extract is another new ingredient in Fortifeye Next Gen Complete. Pine Bark Extract is high in 3 polyphenols: Procyanidins, Catechins and Phenolic Acids. These compounds exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. a specific ratio of pine bark extract when combined with bilberry has been shown to lower intra ocular pressure in patients with glaucoma clinically. Another study suggests that diabetics that take pine bark extract with the early stages of diabetic retinopathy may enhance retinal circulation and lower retinal edema minimizing the potential devastating effects of diabetic retinopathy. Pine bark extract is being investigated in studies including Alzheimer’s, skin health, athletic performance, improvement in cognitive abilities, ADHD, ED, osteoarthritis, bone loss, certain auto immune conditions and much more. Pine bark extract is a promising nutrient to be utilized in a supplement to support healthy aging.
Bilberry or European blueberry contains powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins. Bilberry acts as both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Fighter pilots used to eat bilberry jam because they claimed to improve their night vision. Many patients report less eye fatigue and less dry eye symptoms while working on digital screens while taking bilberry. Studies have shown bilberry supports healthy retina, improved contrast sensitivity and improved tear secretion. Studies also indicate bilberry may reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and digestive issues. Bilberry when combined with pine bark extract has been shown clinically to lower intraocular pressure in patients. Bilberry is another great addition to the Fortifeye Next Gen Complete multivitamin.
Grape seed extract is rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids and oligomeric proanthocyanins (OPCs). These help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Studies indicate grape seed extract may benefit the heart, eyes, kidney, brain, liver, immune system and skin. Grape seed extract studies show may have some protective effect against cataracts and is being studied for retinal health.
Taurine is an amino acid concentrated in your eyes, brain, muscles and heart. It is crucial for the support of the central nervous system, immune system and the eyes. Taurine acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It has also been shown to enhance energy and improve exercise performance. Studies also indicate taurine may have some benefits for the eye, heart, hearing , brain and the liver.

Vitamin A deficiencies are very rare in developed countries and too much Vitamin A poses some serious health risks while beta carotene has been linked to lung cancer in smokers.

Studies now indicate that beta carotene may block the absorption of Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin as a result Fortifeye has removed Vitamin A and beta carotene. Many other nutrients are used in this comprehensive formula in precise ratios to aid in maximum cellular absorption.Fortifeye Next Gen Complete can be used alone or in combination with Fortifeye Super Omega-3, or Fortifeye Focus to combat against free radical damage in the eyes and body.

When Fortifeye Vitamins are combined with lifestyle changes and dietary modifications significant improvements in the health of the eyes and body can be a result. Fortifeye Next Gen Complete is recommended to anyone wanting to be pro-active in their future health.

Fortifeye Next Gen Complete has been developed to deliver complete nutritional support for total body and eye health. Specific nutrients in precise ratios have been used to give nutritional support to the retina, optic nerve, cornea and lens. These nutrients may also aid in neuro protection, cardio protection, circulation, skin health, joint health and cellular health.

Fortifeye’s goal with Fortifeye Next Gen Complete: To bring the very latest in nutritional support to the eyes and entire body. Fortifeye Next Gen Complete is an evolution in nutritional science. This supplement will continue to evolve as new science becomes available. Support for Nutritional anti-aging is here.

Fortifeye Next Gen Complete (90ct - 3 Month Supply)